Crystal Samuels

Crystal SamuelsProfile Photo

Instructional Technology Coach

As an educator, Crystal Samuels consistently explores innovative ways to engage her students by integrating technology into her classroom. Technology serves as a means to differentiate instruction and inspire students to challenge themselves academically. Collaborating with the Department of Education (DOE), Crystal played a key role in developing a state program of study for the Digital Communications Pathway. Leveraging Schoology, she ensures teachers have access to program content while continuously adding dynamic digital materials to keep the subject matter up to date.

In her role as the Instructional Technology Coordinator at William Penn High School, Crystal spearheaded professional development opportunities for her colleagues, sharing her passion for utilizing technology in the classroom. She thoroughly enjoys researching and experimenting with new technologies, implementing them in her own classroom, and then sharing both successes and lessons learned with her fellow educators.

As an Instructional Technology Coach for the Christina School District, Crystal maintains an active presence in local, statewide, and national conferences. She serves as an esteemed member of the Digital Learning Cadre for the state of Delaware and consistently designs professional development initiatives for staff. Moreover, Crystal provides personalized guidance to teachers, assisting them in developing tailored technology implementation plans to enhance student success and bridge the achievement gap.

July 9, 2023

#EdTech Insights from School District Tech Leaders at #ISTELive23 - H…

Crystal Samuels, John Terlecki, and Douglas Timm discussed their roles in their Delaware school district as instructional technology leaders.

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