Jen Williams

Jen WilliamsProfile Photo

Educator, Speaker, Author, Activist

Recognized as a transformational leader in education, Dr. Jennifer Williams has dedicated herself for nearly 25 years to the field of education through her roles as an education activist, professor, school administrator, literacy specialist, and classroom teacher. She speaks, writes, and consults on practices that develop global perspectives and social good through creative uses of technology, and her research interests include innovations in teaching and learning, equity and diversity in education, and social action. Jennifer is inspired everyday by teachers and students that are catalysts for making the world a better place!

Sept. 27, 2015

Global Education with Jen Williams - HoET045

Jen Williams is a former Director of Education, program Literacy Specialist, and district Speech-Language Pathologist who is a co-founder and lead program developer for Calliope Global.

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