Katelyn Nesi

Aug. 18, 2019

Balancing #EdTech in a Library with Kate Nesi - HoET138

My wife, Kate Nesi, joins the 5-Timer club and she's back to talk about how she balances #edtech in her HS library and doesn't give in to fads and trends in education.
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
July 1, 2018

The Great Social Media Debate with Kate Nesi - HoET113

Social media is often debated by Katelyn and I and we've finally recorded one of these conversations!
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
Dec. 17, 2016

2016 House of #EdTech Smackdown - HoET076

It’s the 3rd Annual House of #EdTech Smackdown! You’ve shared your favorite apps, tips, websites, and resources for 2016 and this episode is packed!
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
July 30, 2016

Twitter Chats and Pokemon Stop! - HoET066

The new studio is open for business and my wife crashed the party to talk Twitter Chats and Pokemon Go!
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
Feb. 14, 2016

The Importance of Functionality in Education - HoET054

Katelyn returns to talk about the importance of functionality when designing an education space and respond to feedback from episode 52.
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
Jan. 17, 2016

NCLB...No Cash Left Behind - HoET052

My wife, Katelyn Nesi, co-hosts this first episode of 2016 and we give insight into how we live life to the fullest on two educator's salaries!
Guest: Katelyn Nesi
July 6, 2014

Take My Wife; Take Her! A Conversation With Katelyn Nesi - HoET014

Katelyn Nesi is the Library Media Specialist at Wall Twp. High School. Mrs. Nesi, my wife, makes her first appearance on the podcast and shares some insight on moving to a new place and her love for all things technology.
Guest: Katelyn Nesi